
The Directorate has three divisions each is headed by a deputy director, as follows: -
a) Division of Research and Publications
b) Division of Innovations and Incubation of Technology
c) Division of Partnerships

General Functions of DRIP

a) Defining the research focus of the University in different disciplines
b) Initiating and supporting degree and non-degree research endeavours
c) Sourcing and management of research funds
d) Provision of guidelines and facilities for researchers
e) Patenting and keeping of copy rights
f) Commercialisation/Marketing of research output

Functions of Division of Research and Publications

a) To oversee the implementation of the University’ research policy framework and guide towards generating new knowledge in the thematic areas identified in this policy;
b) To strengthen general research activities of the University by providing benchmarks, training of academic and non – academic staff as the case may be;
c) To provide climate for collaborative and interdisciplinary cutting-edge researches;
d) To support indexed publications among staff and upgrade local publications outlets for international listings and indexing;
e) To vet and recommend to the Vice-Chancellor applications for research grants from the University research funds;
f) To act as clearing house for, and disseminator of, information on research issues and activities in the University; and
g) To facilitate the publications of research outputs
h) To be responsible for organisation and conduct of inaugural lectures.

Division of Innovation and Technology Incubation

a) To identify researches and projects across the University that demonstrate clear commercial or social value;
b) To stimulate technology incubation of new inventions;
c) To identify potential users (inventors, industry, government and entrepreneurs) of University’s research outputs with the aim knowledge transfer/sharing.
d) To facilitate the creation of new techniques, technologies, products, new businesses and generating licenses and consultancy emanating from the University’s original research projects;
e) To provide technical and logistic support in the thematic and non-thematic research areas to generate Intellectual Property (IPs) rights;
f) To provide incentives and challenge the faculties, departments and centres to generate IPs from their original research works and showcase all the IPs so generated locally and internationally;
g) To develop the capacity of researchers/research groups in IP generating researches;
h) To create a stock of commercially viable knowledge-based product for the University; and
i) To attract contract research between the University and corporations, governments and others.
j) i) To organise periodically an exhibition of Research output from the University.

Division of Partnership

a) To improve the position of the University in the global knowledge production/supply-chain networks;
b) To coordinate partnerships entered into with other institutions, organisations and individuals.
c) Serve as a one-stop-shop for information, logistics, funding and support for all partnerships and networks locally and internationally;
d) Ensure the execution of the deliverables and terms of all linkages, partnerships and externally generated funding;
e) Identify mutually beneficial partnerships and ensure the sustainability of existing networks; and;
f) To continually follow-up on all partnerships and ensure that they are mutually beneficial.





















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